Return to play, News (Mitchell Minor Baseball)

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Jun 20, 2020 | adam wolfe | 2143 views
Return to play
Mitchell Minor Baseball has been working with our local municipality, and baseball Ontario to develop a safe return to play program

Starting within a week or two, everyone will be getting contacted by there division convenor, to let them know of the schedule for on field training. MMB has implemented some safety features including hand sanitizing, training in smaller groups, and sanitizing of equipment. Contact your division convenor for the full list of safety guidelines.One safety procedure we have been told is a must is contact tracing for all training events. So MMB has enacted a policy that other centres that are starting up has done as well. No parents will be permitted at the diamond, unless they are helping on the field. Parents will be asked to either drop there child off and return to pick them up at the planned time of practice completion. Or remain in there vehicle to avoid clustering in the parking lot. One more thing that EVERY family must do for EVERY kid, is go on the baseball Ontario "on deck" website or app and fillout the waiver form. This must be completed before your child steps on the diamond. Below is the link to the website, here is the step by step process

Baseball Ontario link

- click on link
- if doing it from your phone you will be directed to app, where you will have to register an account first
-click on return to sport
-click on for participants parents or guardians
-click on waiver declarations
-click on child participant parent waiver

You will now be on the page for the waiver form, fill out the waiver form for each kid, under the tab select your affiliate we are Western Ontario Baseball Association. Then once you click that the tab below you will be able to click on Mitchell. Fill out the form and submit

MMB is doing our best to offer some safe return to play training for the kids. We need everyones help to make this work, explain to your child how we will be training in smaller groups and sanitizing regularly, and how they really need to follow the directions of the coaches running the training. MMB firmly believes that this can be done in a safe manner, to give the kids a chance to get on the diamond with there friends again for some much needed physical activity. Hopefully everything runs smoothly so we can be playing some games later in the summer when the region moves to stage 3 reopening.