Online Umpire Clinic, News (Mitchell Minor Baseball)

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Mar 15, 2021 | adam wolfe | 1645 views
Online Umpire Clinic
For the 2021 baseball season, baseball Ontario is offering level1 and 2 umpire clinics exclusively online.

The hopes is to have a WOBA baseball schedule at the very least this year. That means we will need carded umpires to ump those games. Only those kids that have attended an online umpire clinic, will be assigned games this summer. Umpiring is available to anyone born in 2009 or later. Umpiring is a good part time job for young kids. It teaches them how to enforce the rules, problem solve, and sometimes deal with stressful situations. Once the clinics are complete, the umpire assigner will meet with the kids to go over a few things, plus they will be provided with a umpiring shirt. Below are the instructions on how to register for umpire clinics. They must be completed before june.

New Umpire:
    - go to
    - click on umpires
    - click on view my profile
    - click on umpire registration form
     Once this is complete, you will need to create a profile for your child. All new umpires are level 1, and our association is Western Ontario Baseball Assocation
     Once profile is complete, you should be able to login, and go into the section Your profile and clinic enrolement
    - There should be a yellow box that says clinic, click on any clinic, then submit
    You then should get contacted from the clinic host, about how to login and complete the clinic

Existing Umpires;
     -go to
    - login into your profile that you would of created in previous seasons
    - register for a clinic

I will be in touch in the spring to those that get certified. The amount of games umpires receive will totally depend on how much baseball we end being able to play this summer. Unfortunately there most likely wont be tournaments like we have had in the past. I believe the online clinics get capped at a certain number of entrants, so its a good idea to get registered if its something you think your child would be interested in

any other questions email me at [email protected]