Registration Deposits Due by June 13th, News (Mitchell Minor Baseball)

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Jun 07, 2021 | adam wolfe | 1687 views
Registration Deposits Due by June 13th
 All players that are registered to play in the Mitchell Minor Baseball system are required to pay a registration deposit by June 13.

MMB executive have coaches in place and have registered teams within W.O.B.A with plans to have a baseball season this year. We will be following all of the Covid 19 protocols to offer baseball in a safe manner for the players and everyone that is involved. All MMB players will be insured with Baseball Ontario and the deadline to insure this year is June 15. With that in mind we require all players to pay a registration deposit prior to that to know how many players will be committed to play. We are planning for teams to start practicing in early July when the province moves in to Step 2 of reopening Ontario where we will be allowed to have 25 people on a field. Practicing will continue until the province moves to Step 3 late in July and at that point we will start playing games within bubbles of 3 or 4 teams against WOBA teams in Huron and Perth.The plan is to start holding practices in early July then start games in late July and continue through August and September. This will give players approximately 3 weeks of practices and training and 2 months of games. Initial Registration deposit Required by June 13 in the amounts of

Blastball  - $40. (this will be full fee for the year as they will play 2 months as normal)

Houseleague - $80. (this will be full fee for the year as they will play 2 months as normal)

Minor Rookie  - $100.

Major Rookie - $100.

Mosquito - $100.

PeeWee - $100.

Bantam - $100.

Midget - $100.
(When we are able to determine how much baseball we can offer we will then announce what the remaining balance will be for Minor Rookie to Midget)

Note: Please make sure to add players name in memo box of etransfer

The total will not exceed the registration rates that were posted for the year and will be prorated based on the portion of a regular season that we get to play. If we are able to run any Rep teams there would be an additional fee for those players.All payments can be made by etransfer to [email protected] If you need to arrange another method of payment or need time to pay later contact us and we will do our best to make suitable arrangements for you. All MMB contact info can be found on the website.  Any players who have not paid a deposit or made other arrangements by june 13th, will have there registration cancelled. 

Thank you MMB executive members 
