2022 Umpire Info, News (Mitchell Minor Baseball)

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Mar 03, 2022 | adam wolfe | 1618 views
2022 Umpire Info
Mitchell Minor baseball is hoping to have a full season this year, including full league play throughout the system, along with hosting 2 tournaments throughout the summer

With this being said we are in need of carded OBA umpires. If your child is born in the year 2010 or later, they are old enough to umpire. Umpiring is a good first job for kids, teaches them problem solving, stress management and conflict resolution, along with learning more skills about baseball and making some money along the way. Each umpire can expect to get 6 to 10 games throughout the summer, and the ability to umpire in tournaments if they are available that weekend. All  umpires they are expected to take an online course through baseball Ontario, and they will be expected to have there own clicker and ball pouch. Minor ball will provide them with an umpire shirt

Below are the instructions on how to sign up for an umpire clinic
- go on baseballontario.com
- click on umpires on the right hand side
- click on view my profile 
- if your new to umpiring, then you will need to create a profile for your child at this time
- if you are a returning umpire, login to your Childs profile at this time
- once your on your profile, there should be a list of clinics on there.
- once registered for a clinic you should recieve an email from the host, about how to complete

Closer to spring I will receive a list from baseball Ontario of who all completed there online umpire clinic. At this time I will email all umpires to attend an in person meeting, where everything will be explained as to how the season will unfold. 

Another questions direct them to me at [email protected]