Sep 11, 2017 | Trevor Russwurm | 1496 views
Mosquito Championship Parade
The Mitchell Stickhandler Mosquito OBA Astros capped off their championship season in style last night with a celebration tractor & wagon parade around town. The team would like to thank the following for all their support:
* Team sponsor Gus Eyers of The Stickhandler
* #1 Fan Carol "DeeDee" Siemon for the use of her shined up John Deere 7330 tractor and supplying the yummy baseball cupcake treats afterwards (baked by Lisa Upshall)
* Royaldawn Farms - Kory & Jaclyn Dietz for the use of their hay wagon
* Ted & Laura Neubrand for the donated hay for the wagon
* Lana Siemon for coordinating the group of parents to decorate the wagon
* Maggie McDonnell for driving this noisy bunch around town for an hour!
And to all the parents, grandparents, and fans, thank you so much for all your support for a wonderful memorable year. All of your driving to games, practices, and cheering is appreciated by all!
Head Coach Sue Dunn
Assistant Coaches Cain Templeman, Jamie Visneskie, and Trevor Russwurm